Everyday Living

tips to keep a House clean and tidy

12 Tips & Tricks to keep a House Clean and Tidy

“The very sight of messy hall, messy kitchen, messy rooms, messy wardrobes drives me almost mad. I feel frustrated and of course wants to cry aloud. I know the reality either I can have happy kids or clean home. I have to choose one, especially, when both of my...

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4 steps to fight your Self back after Maternity

Disclaimer: The topic says ‘fight your self back’ and not your ‘position at workplace’. If it’s the later you are looking for, may be this post won’t help you. Leaves are often considered as a taboo with working women and if...

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fake, real, fake world, lifestyle, wannabe, relationships, insecurities

Fake or the Real You?

We are living in a world of fakeness where encountering realism is no less than a blessing. People are imitating each other, from dressing to eating habits, socializing to lifestyle and living a completely wannabe life instead of who they really are. Life is no longer...

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Basic Safety Tips For Women

Even though as more and more women choosing empowerment and self believe still today the major concern for every woman is the Safety. In the more technologically advanced world of today, there are many apps on phones that promise to increase your safety. But does that...

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term & condition on your daughter

Why Do You Always Use Term & Condition On Your Daughter?

Today, girls have become toys for boys. Boys think, Girls are their personal property. If you think, I am wrong. For that, you can refer daily news covering gang rape cases, girls kidnapping cases, Girl child abused. Isn’t it? How can you say, “Save Girl...

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Happy Mother

8 Secrets Of A Happy Mother

Though every mothers heart fills with immense delight when she sees her children happy and doing good in life, how many of us are actually happy souls ? A new mama is sleep deprived and beyond exhausted. The mom of a toddler often worried about her tiny tots fussy...

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खेल-कूद बहुत जरुरी है

खेल-कूद बहुत जरुरी है

खेलो का अपना ही महत्व हैं। खेल-कूद से आतंरिक स्फूर्ति आती है और बच्चों में कार्य करने की क्षमता बढ़ती है। जब बच्चे खेलते है तो उनका विकास भी सही गति से होता है। खेल-कूद ना करने वाले बच्चे अपने उम्र के हिसाब से काफी मोटे और आलसी हो जाते है। और ऐसा मोटापा किसी भी व्यक्ति...

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The Scent of Success

Success isn’t a long term goal that most of us have been living with. The real beauty of success is in enjoying those nugatory efforts we take to reach towards our destination. The true aura of accomplishment, is in clinking a glass of wine with success as your...

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